these are simple initials, but they can also be an
abbreviation of the name of a man named Fredrick A. Rothhaar.
In languages of Latin origin, the word FARO also means LIGHTHOUSE. Fredrick A.
Rothhaar claims to be a versatile man, and his name is not only FARO, but RICK too.
And this name is known worldwide.
RICK is a German and Hungarian citizen. He has several homes at the same time: Budapest, Hungary - Moscow, Russia - Fuerteventura, Spain and Alanya, Turkey. He is a corporate consultant, a writer, a champion and an instructor in Shotokan karate and Kung Fu Wing Tsun martial arts all in one. RICK speaks six languages, namely German, English, Italian, French, Hungarian and Russian. He carried out his business activities in 9 countries and had a stake in a total of 18 companies as a general representative, as a director, or as president. He was present in the following countries: Germany, Italy, the United States of America, Canada, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Hungary and Russia. The length of his stay in different countries can vary between a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 10 years. In connection with his activities, Rick has visited a total of 18 metropolises, including Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Cologne, Luxembourg, Lugano, Rome, Milan, Verona, New York, Toronto, Montreal, Washington D.C., Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Belgrade, Skopje, Tokyo, Seoul.
As a corporate consultant, FARO relies on more than forty years of experience as a crisis manager in North America, Western and Eastern Europe, and Russia. There is also an international corporate consulting company under the name FARO, under the leadership of Fredrick A. Rothhaar, with its headquarters in Budapest.
FARO's core activities as a company consultant are the following:

Mainly in Central and Eastern Europe.
Have you lost your business manager? Would you temporarily employ a municipal representative? Does your company operate in Italy, Hungary, Romania or Russia and would you like to have an analysis conducted by an external, neutral party? Would you like to have due diligence conducted? Do your colleagues need training? FARO is ready for all of these tasks.Have you lost your manager, and need a temporary governor? Would you like your company in Italy, Hungary, Romania or Russia analyzed by a neutral and external company? Would you like a supervision or audit? Should your staff be trained? FARO will do these for you.
Have you developed a patent? Do not you know how, where and who to turn to? RICK is your partner in this, as well.
At the largest German baby food manufacturer in North America, RICK discovered a “blunder" that greatly affected the possibility of launching the product in the USA. RICK found a mistake that had caused a serious loss for eight years, but after eliminating it, the result improved.
In Russia, under the leadership of President RICK, apart from the general representation of a world-famous confectionery factory, a new factory and a new chocolate market were built. This happened in the 1990s, when the Russian press called it the most spectacular investment ever made by the German Food industry in Russia.
FARO, as a writer, has written books and various articles. Fredrick A. Rothhaar gathered his experiences from the most diverse countries of the world by trying to summarize his own life and work in the simplest possible rules. Books containing such rules are published in series under the following title: An excerpt by FARO from the "Experienced Management" series.
In his first published book, the title of which was "Success and its Fathers", the author tried to present his 10 years of experience in Eastern Europe to the reader in a narrative style, from which it became clear that the topic of company management, which is often considered complicated, does not need to be described in a manner that is so difficult to understand. It is enough to achieve that the right people are "in the right place at the right time". The title of his second published book was: “Organise Yourself and Your Environment”. In this book, the author gives 20 good tips for creating a stress-free and successful life, while also revealing very simple driving rules. These rules can be easily understood with "common sense" and are based on experience. The acceptance/application of these rules is definitely recommended, regardless of whether they are read by men or women, the young or the already retired. Shorter excerpts from these books as well as his new articles were regularly published in the German-language Budapester Zeitung, the Russian-language in the Wiener und Budapester Russischen Kurier, the French-language in the Budapest edition of the Journal Francophone, and the English-language in the Hungarian Spectator.
Faro 3

In addition to his cultural work as a writer, RICK has also opened museums and restaurants, the operation of which has also proven successful. After the complications of the CORONA case, the world-famous "Schokoland Alprose - Die Welt der Schokolade" museum in Lugano (Switzerland) and the "RICK's Hot Stone” restaurant in Budapest (Hungary) are still actively operating today.
As a martial artist, FARO achieved the 1st dan degree in Japanese Karate Shotokan and the 2nd dan degree in Chinese Kung Fu Wing-Tsun. At the age of 80, he is currently the oldest Wing Tsun champion in Eastern Europe. www.WingTsun.hu
For further information write to the following addresses:
E-mail farointernational41@gmail.com
or to the postal address: Faro Kft. H-1052 Budapest, Váci utca 30.